
Interview with Boban Popevski

Interview with Boban Popevski

Visit Boban’s LinkedIn Eau/Agilebalkans: Why did you decide to join the program & what were your expectations?   Boban: If we want to make smooth transitions from one organization model into another we must  create managers who are creative, innovative with a full spectrum of imagination as well as create people that will increase the imaginations of others in the organization. To…

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Interview with Ilie Dragan

Interview with Ilie Dragan

Visit Dragan’s LinkedIn EAU: We hope you enjoyed the training and appreciate your feedback so that we can continue to help you in your journey;  If you were asked to rate the course on a scale of 1-10 (1 = Not that perfect and 10 = Perfect) What mark would you use?  ILIE: I would use 9  EAU: Is there…

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