Certified Enterprise Agility Consultant (I)


Enterprise Agility Certified Change Consultant
Who is this for?

Agile Coaches, Consultants, HR, Scrum Masters, or anyone interested to accelerate change in the company will find value in this course. It introduces new advanced ideas, concepts, and models to expand Agility across the whole organization.

Category: Product ID: 1038


EAU Certified Enterprise Agility Consultant –  CEAC programme for senior leaders and change consultants

We are happy to share that the last group of 2024 (February 2024), has successfully been trained and certified with high pass rates above 80 % and is enjoying the benefits of the advanced models and tools with the CEAC!

We are working towards finalizing the new group for the CEAC program starting July 2024!
Hurry up and book your place, we have a significant interest in the EAU Foundations programme – CEAC certification from https://eau.university/;

A summary of  dates for the new coming training group is already available:

  • September 14th, & 15th  (Saturday and Sunday), 3h 15min  session;
  • September  21st and 22nd (Saturday and Sunday), 3h 15min  session;
  • September 28th  (Saturday), 3h 15 min session;
  • Exam preparation session  (free of charge, up to three hours), September 29th; timeslot TBD;
  • Exam dates TBD,  in a regular group practice;

***  Timeslots are adjusted to work for EDT, CEST, and AEST timezones;

*** You can find testimonials  from all the groups  before, available at our home page ***

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Early Bird Special

Click the button below to get a special discount available for the CEAC programme. We highly appreciate your willingness to reserve your seat on time.

Download Course Details

Click the button below the download the PDF containing more details about the The Enterprise Agility Foundations (I) course.

Program objectives 


  • Current challenges with market strategy, execution across your organization or team, improve agility for your team
  • Different techniques when transforming/changing more traditional companies/teams;
  • How organizations  & teams can deliver value in perpetuity, while markets constantly disrupt and change conditions for your client/s;


  • Most suitable organization structures and team design & analyze different approaches for alignment to end value delivery;
  •  The way the brain works during change and becomes skilled in accelerating change across diverse organizational structures/silos.


  • The impact of accelerated change on Leaders, Management, and Team members, and how to deal with it when facing disruptive markets;
  • Why the five pillars of Enterprise Agility are the foundations to design a Leadership & Culture Transformation strategy that enables actionable actions to establish a solid long-lasting ability to deliver change.

Is this course for You?

Agile Coaches, Consultants, Transformation leaders, HR, Scrum Masters, or anyone interested to accelerate change in the company will find value in this course. It introduces new advanced ideas, concepts, and models to expand Agility across the whole organization.

If you or your team are struggling to get momentum with your company’s change, find it hard to scale ideas and mindsets or find high levels of resistance in your company, then you should consider this 17 hours course.

Who can benefit from this course?

– Change Consultants, Organizational Leaders, Scrum Masters, HR

– Transformation Executives, Enterprise Agile Coaches

Whether you have worked in organizational change at 1 year or 10, this course brings new techniques to cope with market disruptions, create innovation, and increase the flexibility and resilience of the company. It develops understanding and skills in change leadership techniques to be leveraged by Organizational Leaders, Change-Agents, Scrum Masters, Product Owners in a variety of large-scale contexts.

Day 1

This first day helps all students align if they have no prior knowledge of enterprise agility, and allows them to learn the fundamentals of the more traditional ways to create flexible and resilient companies.


Lesson 1 – Introduction and Exponential Change
Lesson 2 – Enterprise Agility & EAWT
Lesson 3 – TriValue Company Model

Day 2


Lesson 1 – Dealing with situations
Lesson 2 – Behavioral change tactics
Lesson 3 – Sustainable player

Day 3


Lesson 1 – Sustainable Player in More Traditional Organizations
Lesson 2 – Enterprise Agility Universal Outcomes
Lesson 3 – EA Six Readiness Factors

Day 4


Lesson 1 – Exponential Waves
Lesson 2 – Mental Agility
Lesson 3 – The Change Journey Pyramid

Day 5


Lesson 1 – Systemic Analysis in EA
Lesson 2 – EAF Model
Lesson 3 – EAF Model (part 2)

Day 6


To earn the certified Enterprise Agility Consultant, candidates must demonstrate extensive expertise by passing a comprehensive 50 in-depth assessment.

Course Details

Comprehensive 17h Enterprise Agility Foundations training program, with the following schedule options: 

*Future group dates:

Sessions one (I) & two (II)

September 14th  and  15th,  2024    (Saturday & Sunday ) 

Timeframe:  3h 15 min

Sessions three (III) & four (IV)

September 21st and  22nd, 2024  (Saturday & Sunday) 

Timeframe:  3h 15 min 

Session five (V):

Saturday, September 28th, 2024 

Timeframe:   3h 15 min 

Exam day (Day Six):

Saturday, a minimum of two weeks after session five is over   

*timeslots will be amended according to the group needs and timezones 

Preparatory session for exam:  the group will get together online for a min of 2 h preparatory exam session, with a chance for a longer  Q&A session

Exam day:

  •   1st hour Q & A, explain rules of exam passing (proctored exam) 
  •   Exam,  70 min duration; 50 questions, multiple choice answers

No matter where you are in the world, you will have free access to our student platform. This will allow you to access course materials, articles on organizational change, and to be in contact with other professionals in the field and job offers. Regardless of the country in which the course is taken, our seminars are prepared to offer the same experience regardless of the country. All Enterprise Agility University certified trainers have at least 10 years of experience in organizational change and undergo a rigorous selection and training process.


– 17 hours, once a week to allow the participant to learn and practice the techniques.

– Other formats are also available for companies.

– The course includes an EXAM to become a Certified Change Professional in Enterprise Agility.


– You will receive one copy of Leading Exponential Change 2nd edition, online – in your preferred language (English, Spanish, Portuguese).

– Course Materials


– We use a state-of-the-art methodology and tool to teach all ours courses. We believe in neuroscience concepts to deliver great experiences.

– We also use a Whatsapp group to support participants during the course.

 Additional benefit: You will also get 16 points to renew your certification with Scrum Alliance or PMI. Description for the other courses will come soon. After completing the first course and passing the exam, the student will obtain the Certified Change Consultant (CCC) certificate. We believe that at this point the professional will have valuable tools to be part of a transformation team.

Upon completion of the course and passing the exam, the student will obtain the Certified Enterprise Agility Consultant (CEAC) certificate.

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